Watering Words


In August 2022 we started an open practice called Encounters, that is an extension of the project.

In bi-weekly online sessions, that are free for anyone who is willing to join, we alternately go through
* a physical practice & subsequent discussion in which participants can choose in which way they follow or engage with the tasks proposed within the practice (ranging from moving, writing, drawing etc.).

* a general, open discussion of specific texts, artworks and other practices related to hydrofeminism, which is moderated/ curated by one of us and reading or listening materials will be provided prior to each session.

The tasks of the physical practice are inspired by poems written in relation to various water sources, and originate from an idea of interconnectedness between bodies of water and all living beings. They encourage to increase ones sensitivity towards the surrounding world, and become more aware of the presence and condition of water bodies around us.

If you want to join the Encounters format, please send an email to wateringwords@gmail.com and you will receive a link to the Zoom meetings.

The sessions are happening bi-weekly, on Thursdays at 5PM (CET). Don’t worry if you cannot be present all the time – each session is an independent practice/ discussion.

The duration is about 1 hour 30 minutes.
4th of July, 17:00 CET – reading & discussing together 
18th of July, 17:00 CET – physical practice
Watering Words Project 2021-2024